Dental Veneers in Mesa, AZ
When your smile has seen better days, and you’ve got a lot of little blemishes, chips, and staining, sometimes it’s better to hide the damage while you have your smile worked on rather than waiting for your smile to be fixed and being worried about how it looks the whole time. That’s why veneers are an important choice for patients who want their smile to look its best even though it needs some work. We offer dental veneers as a cosmetic treatment at Power Dental in Mesa, AZ.
We have plans to help repair and restore your smile, but like anything else, these treatments take time, and many patients don’t like having a damaged smile and waiting for the right treatments to fix it. That’s where veneers can make the difference. Veneers are a thin layer of plastic material that goes over teeth and covers up stains and other imperfections so that smiles look great (even when they don’t). This lets you go out into the world confidently and present a great smile while working to improve it.
The process of getting veneers is relatively easy too. In terms of cosmetic solutions are one of the most cost-effective options available for patients without insurance who don’t want to spend a lot of money out of pocket.
The dentist applies a special glue-like material on the teeth and fits the veneers over the teeth. Once the glue dries and the veneer is in place, you don’t have to worry about eating or going about your daily routine. It’s important to remember that veneers aren’t a permanent solution, and you will need to come back to us at Power Dental in Mesa, AZ when you want to have them removed or when it’s time to work on your smile. For the cost and the worry that it saves you, though, veneers are a great investment. Plus, you can always take them off when you’re ready. See us today and ask if dental veneers are a suitable option to fix your smile.